click on program cover for team bios
Production & Technical Staff
Production Manager John McAllister
Director Lorraine Graham
Music Director Kay Goranson
Choreographer Larry White
Pianist Elizabeth Ann Maliszewski
Assistant Pianist Barbara Lukitsch
Audition Committee Gay Nardone (chairman), Brian O’Connell, Sylvia Eggleston, Adrith Sisson, Lorraine Graham, Kay Goranson, Larry White
Stage Manager Howard A. Jones
Assistant Stage Manager Adrith P. Sisson
Set Designer Teri Trout
Set Construction Howard A. JonesAdrith P. SissonDan Carraher
Lighting Richard L. Meaney, Rhonda S. Birnbaum, Doug Fortnam, Joe Dowd, Eric Black, Al Erickson, Robert Windt, Sally Trombley, Pat Tolle
Sound Ray Tackett, Mary Lou Tackett, Tony Mallia, Trish Chabot
Costumes Ena Carraher (chairman), Shirley Coutu, Marge Thompson, Leigh Sweeney, Janet Christie, Jean Christie, Brenda Nelson, Adele Brochhausen
Properties Lois Dowd
Stage Crew Howard A. Jones, Adrith P. Sisson, John Liljeberg, Elaine Duhamel, Sally Trombley, Pat Tolle, Gary Dionne
Set Painters Teri Trout, Kate Wolff, Rosemary Bolen, Liz Ouellette, Adrienne Jones, Pat Tolle, Ken Wood, Francis Nutter-Upham, Elizabeth Jones, Mary Gardiner, Dan Carraher, Sally Trombley, Phyl Maconi, Therese Tarry
Poster and Program Cover The Copper Apple
Hair Styling Ellen Johnson (chairman), Rita Zaccone, Cathy Andruskevich, Fern Croteau
Make-Up Crew Janice Rockwell (chairman), Cynthia Solov, Jackie Maynard, Rosemary Bolen, Judy Bausha, Pearl Ware, Adrienne Jones, Alex Carraher, Sharon Crager, Carol Croatti, Dawn Hardy
Tickets Mimi Crowley and Betty Badeau (co-chairmen); Linda Saren, Angela Tomasian
Programs Dan Pelletier (editor); Cathy Andruskevich and Anne Gagnon (typing); Kathy Raby, Mark Plamondon, Dianne Fortnam (advertising)
Photography Dick Croteau, Elaine Duhamel
Collage Linda Saren
House Manager Francesca Bosowski
Ushers Francesca Bosowski (chairman), Dave and Jill Gidge, Dot and Don Marcek, Carl Anderson, Anne Gagnon, Frank Bolen, Mary Jones, Judy Bausha, Claire Anderson, Michael Jones, Chris and Francis Brunelle, Francine Brunelle
Concessions Sue McCarthy
Afterglow Penny Tamulonis, Maggie Schellenberg, Betty Jones
Membership Chairman Linnea McAllister
Patrons Chairman Joel Saren
Publicity Committee John Baird (chairman); Linda Freisinger, Kathi Laflamme, Terry Toland
Link to cast list