Li'l Abner
Original Musical Comedy by Norman Panama and Melvin Frank
Based on Characters created by AL CAPP
source: Concord Theatricals
Performances at
Elm Street Auditorium
May 9-11, 1975
On-Line program is here! Please support our sponsors !
Nashua Glass Co.
Welcome Wagon
Noyes Tire Co.
Sears Roebuck & Co.
Nashua Public Library
Indian Head National Bank
Nashua Gun Shop
Irwin Toys Inc.
Rice’s Tire Center
This year the Actorsingers, Inc. celebrates its 20th successful year in bringing you musical shows. From the Mikado in June 1955 (we played to a few hundred of you) to this weekend (an audience of about 3,000); we could not have existed without your faithful and persistent support. This has enabled us to bring and share musical culture and living art with the Nashua community without ever conducting a financial assistance drive and at the same time keep the ticket cost to a very minimum. The budget for a typical musical is currently running between $6,000 and $10,000. As a non-profit organization making ends meet in no easy matter, and the financial success of each show is vital to our very existence. Inflation has hurt, and we are therefore in need of a new home. We urge all our faithful friends and patrons who wish to see us continue, to please notify us if you are aware of a possible headquarters for our
operation. We require approximately 7,500 square feet and are willing to pay a fair rental. Other details can be furnished. Please interest your friends in becoming patrons, thereby lending much needed support in our financial fight to preserve Actorsingers. Do think about this, and let us hear from you soon. Help us to provide good musical
entertainment and serve as an outlet for many talented amateurs, young and old. Please feel free to contact any Board Member.
Synopsis of Scenes and Musical Numbers
Time: Recently
Place: Dogpatch, U.S.A.
Act I
Scene I Dogpatch, U.S.A.
“A Typical Day in Dogpatch, U.S.A. Dogpatchers
Scene II The Yokum Cabin
Scene III The Fishing Hole
“If I Had My Druthers” Li’l Abner & Cronies
Scene IV Cornpone Square
“Jubilation T. Cornpone” Marryin’ Sam & Dogpatchers
Scene V Dogpatch Road
“Namely You” Daisy and Li’l Abner
Scene VI Cornpone Square
“Unnecessary Town” Li’l Abner, Daisy & Dogpatchers
Scene VII Washington, D. C.
Scene VIII General Bullmoose’s Office
“What’s Good For General Bullmoose” Secretaries
Scene IX Dogpatch Road
Scene X Dogpatch
“There’s Room Enough For Us” Dogpatchers
“The Country’s In The Very Best Of Hands” Li’l Abner & Marryin’ Sam
Scene XI Dogpatch Road
Scene XII “Sadie Hawkins Day (Ballet)” Dogpatchers
Act II
Scene I Government Testing Laboratory, Washington
“Oh, Happy Day” Doctors Finsdale, Smithborn, Krogmeyer and Schleiftz
Scene II The Yokum Cabin
“I’m Past My Prime” Daisy and Marryin’ Sam
Scene III General Bullmoose’s Office
“Love In A Home” Li’l Abner and Daisy
Scene IV Corridor in Bullmoose Mansion
“Progress Is The Root Of All Evil” General Bullmoose
Scene V Ballroom in Bullmoose Mansion
Society Party Guests and Dogpatchers
Scene VI Corridor in Bullmoose Mansion
Reprise: “Progress Is The Root Of All Evil” General Bullmoose
Scene VII The Government Testing Laboratory
“Put ‘Em Back” The Wives
Reprise: “Namely You” Daisy
Scene VIII Cornpone Square
“The Matrimonial Stomp” Marryin’ Sam & Dogpatchers
Finale Entire Company
Li’l Abner is presented by arrangement with Tams-Witmark Music Library Inc.