Book and Lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner
Music by Frederick Loewe
source: MTI
Performances at
Elm Street Junior High School
November 18-20, 1977
On-Line program is here! Please support our sponsors !
Duhamel, Inc.
The Nestle Company
Rev. Raymond Desjardins
Collins Flowers
A Special Thank You to Sanders Associates, Inc. for their generous donation to our building fund drive
Member John Ayer for payment of his pledge
The Actorsingers historically has invited people with special needs and the religious community to attend the “premiere” performance, the dress rehearsal, of our shows as our guests. The list has been expanded this year to include the following organizations:
Senior Citizens and students also are encouraged to attend the Sunday evening
performance by providing their entertainment at a reduced rate.
Historical Notes
The story of the high King Arthur has been a part of British history for a great many years. The first and most well known writer of the ArthurianLegend is Geoffry of Monmouth, who lived in the sixth century. Although his account is believed to be inaccurate and much embellished, the story he tells is the most familiar today.
The play “Camelot” is based later in history than that in which the Arthurian Legend is conjectured to occur. The Fifth century A.D. is usually accepted as the time of King Arthur; he is estimated to have been born late in that century, and his legend is told thus:
Merlyn, who became Arthur’s tutor and lifelong companion, prophesied that
a child born to King Uther (brother of Ambrosius, who unified Britain) and Ygraine (the young wife of the aged King Gorlois of Cornwall) would become High King of Britian. Uther had fallen in love with Ygraine at his coronation feast. After a battle in which Gorlois was killed the King married Ygraine. Arthur was conceived sometime before the wedding, and the King refused to acknowledge him. He gave care of the child to Merlyn, and for the next fourteen years did not see his son.
Raised in a northern British province, Arthur grew and thrived. During his fourteenth year, the threat of invasion by the Saxons and Picts became crucial. Merlyn brought Arthur to Uther’s side and when the King died, Arthur was presented as Uther’s legal heir. Some nobles contested this, so Merlyn, by magical arts, affixed a sword through a stone and anvil.
The sword bore the legend: “WHOSO PULLETH OUT THIS SWORD OF THIS STONE AND ANVIL, IS RIGHTWISE KING BORN OF ALL BRITAIN.” Arthur, by pulling the sword from its resting place, proved himself King of Britain and reigned for many years.
Message From The Director
Camelot has become more than a musical play for me and the cast: it has indeed become a very special experience. We have grown to love the story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. I am sure you will discover that, although Camelot is supposed to have been a legend (and new evidence may prove this supposition wrong), it is also the dream of many people throughout time and history. Those of you familiar with the story will appreciate the script and music by Lerner and Loewe. I have kept the sets simple so that one never loses the dreamlike quality of Camelot. The concern for the love between Arthur, Guenevere, and Lancelot is the main theme, although there are several other plots and conflicts woven throughout the story. My wish is for everyone to leave the theater with a little bit of Camelot in their heart.
Kathy Milbouer
Actorsinger Chorus
In addition to our two major productions and our children’s musical, this year we formed an Actorsinger Chorus to provide additional opportunities for solo and choral singing. The chorus performs for us in special shows for various business, service and cultural organizations. Three of tonight’s leads in “Camelot” are members of the chorus. Chorus meets Monday evenings from 7:30 to 9:30 in the Actorsinger Building on Lake Street. New members are invited and welcome. For information, call Chorus Secretary Jackie Maynard.
Musical Synopsis of Scenes
Act I
Scene 1 A hilltop near Camelot, a long time ago.
“I Wonder What the King is Doing Tonight” Arthur
“The Simple Joys of Maidenhood” Guenevere
Scene 2 Near Camelot, immediately following.
“Follow Me” Nimue
Scene 3 Arthur’s study, five years later.
Scene 4 A countryside near Camelot, a few months later.
“C’est Moi” Lancelot
Scene 5 A garden near the castle, immediately following.
“The Lusty Month of May” Guenevere and Ensemble
Scene 6 A terrace of the castle, a week later.
“How to Handle a Woman” Arthur
Scene 7 The tents outside the Jousting Field, a few days later.
Scene 8 The Jousting Field.
“The Jousts” Arthur, Guenevere and Ensemble
Scene 9 The terrace. Early evening of the same day.
“Before I Gaze at You Again” Guenevere
Scene 10 A corridor in the castle, immediately following.
Scene 11 The Grand Hall, immediately following.
Act II
Scene 1 The main terrace of the Castle, a few years later.
“If Ever I Would Leave You” Lancelot
“The Seven Deadly Virtues” Mordred
Scene 2 The terrace of the castle, a month later.
“What Do the Simple Folk Do?” Guenevere and Arthur
Scene 3 A forest near Camelot, a few days later.
Scene 4 The forest of Morgan le Fey, immediately following.
“The Persuasion” Mordred and Morgan le Fey
Scene 5 A corridor to the Queen’s bedchamber, later that night.
Scene 6 The Queen’s bedchamber, immediately following.
“I Loved You Once in Silence” Guenevere
Scene 7 Camelot.
“Guenevere” Ensemble
Scene 8 A battlefield outside Joyous Gard, a few weeks later.
“Camelot” (Reprise) Arthur
"“Camelot” is presented by arrangement with Tams-Witmark Music Library, Inc.,
737 Third Avenue, N.Y., N.Y. 10017.