click on program cover for cast bios
Dramatis Personae
The Telephone
(or “L’Amour a Trois”)
Lucy Marietta Vore
Ben Maurice Buckley
Ladies of the Mop
Annie Ethel Shenton Jones
Mattie Constance Wood
Hallie Beth DerManoogian
Bessie Marcelle Robichaud
The Unmusical Impresario
Foreman of the Jury George S. Niles
Usher Thomas W. Butt
Defendant (Edwin) Albert Bedard
The Learned Judge Leonard Rule
Counsel for Plaintiff Maurice Buckley
Plaintiff (Angelina) Anne Olshewsky
Chorus of Spectators, Gentlemen of the Jury, and Bridesmaids
Marcelle Robichaud, Kathryn Wiggin, Mary Spalding, Zoya Shlakis, Ariel Richards, Connie Wood, Jane Saunders, Beth Tebbetts, Ethel Shenton Jones, Arlene Annis, Virginia Smith, Betty DerManoogian, Eileen Kashulines, David Spring, Clarke Allard, James Bergeron, Sidney Tally, Jon Vore, Carl Cudhea, Harold Annis, William Neverett, Jr., Robert Gingra, Albin Tamulonis, Ralph Gould, Harry Kleiner, Shannon Trask, Richard Doyle, James Burns, Harry Tong, Robert Goss, Herbert Canfield
Link to production team