click on program cover for team bios
Production Staff
Musical Conductor Steve Norris
Dramatics Betty Callahan
Choreography Mary Makris and Gloria Boisclair
Accompanist Jo Millett
Production Administrator Harry Strickland
Production Managers Don Smith and Tom Gill
Stage Manager Warren Tomasian
Stage Crew Don Smith, Maurice Buckley, Bob Cotterman, Carl Cudhea, Bob Mills, Tom Gill, Ernest Peterson, Joseph O’Hara
Lighting Harry Strickland
Sound Bob Cotterman
Costumes Penny Tamulonis & Linnea Munier, Co-Chm.; Judy Bauscha, Connie Harvey
Millinery Marcelle Houle
Make-up Claire Anderson, Chm., Suzanne Jazel, Priscilla Wehrfritz, Ruth Garvey, Naia Florence, Lee Curtis, Bonnie Bouley, Gloria Boisclair, Dot Marcek, Sylvia Dobrowski, Barbara Scheider, Richard Pudlo
Publicity John Liljeberg, Bonnie Bouley, and Peggie Cronk
Tickets Bud and Arlene Annis
Properties Rachel Simoneau, Chm.; Barbara Pudlo, Linda Annis, Ann Van Norstrand
Patrons Ky Stratoti
Rehearsal Accompanists Jo Millett, Clare Farr & Bob Lind
Ushers Dot Marcek, Chm.; Linnea Munier, Ky Stratoti, Faye Eckman, Fran Peterson, Leslie Eastman, Lorraine Collins, Irene Archambault
Prompter Pat White
Program Connie Harvey
Symphony Orchestra rehearsals for South Pacific have been under the direction of Mr. Jerome Cohen, the Nashua Symphony Conductor.
Link to cast list