Once Upon a Mattress
Book by Jay Thompson, Marshall Barer, and Dean Fuller
Music by Mary Rodgers
Lyrics by Marshall Barer
source: Concord Theatricals
Performances at
Elm Street Auditorium
May 21-23, 1982
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Salem Senior High School
We wish to acknowledge with deep appreciation the special help we receive from the LAKE STREET MILL, 51 Lake Street, Nashua. Mr. Rocky LaPierre, President, has graciously and most generously donated space to THE ACTORSINGERS for the storage of our properties.
Heartfelt thanks to our “behind the scenes” people who helped make this production possible. Though they won’t get a curtain call, their efforts and dedication should be loudly applauded.
A special “thank you” to Elaine Duhamel and John Liljeberg whose knowledge, patience and guidance helped us to survive the past several weeks.
Kathy Raby
Kathy Vallier
Synopsis of Scenes and Musical Numbers
Act I
Prologue and Ballet
“Many Moons Ago” Minstrel, dancers
Scene 1 The Great Hall
“Opening for a Princess” Dauntless, Larkin, chorus
Scene 2 A Castle Corridor
“In a Little While” Larkin, Harry
Scene 3 The Courtyard
“Shy” Winnifred, Knights
“The Minstrel, the Jester, and I” Minstrel, Jester, King Sextimus
Scene 4 A Corridor
“Sensitivity” Queen Aggravain, Wizard
Scene 5 Winnifred’s Dressing Room
“The Swamps of Home” Winnifred, Ladies
Scene 6 A Castle Corridor
“The Spanish Panic” Aggravain, Wizard, dancers
Scene 7 The Courtyard
“Normandy” Minstrel, Jester, Larkin
Scene 8 A Castle Corridor
Scene 9 The Great Hall
“The Spanish Panic” Winnifred, Dauntless, dancers
“Song of Love” Winnifred, Dauntless, dancers
Act II
Scene 1 The Castle
“Quiet” Aggravain, chorus
Scene 2 Winnifred’s Dressing Room
“Happily Ever after” Winnifred
Scene 3 A Castle Corridor
“Man-to-Man Talk” Sextimus, Dauntless
Scene 4 The Wizard’s Chamber
Scene 5 A Corridor
“Very Soft Shoes” Jester
Scene 6 A Corridor
“Yesterday I Loved You” Larkin, Harry
Scene 7 The Bedchamber
Scene 8 A Corridor
Scene 9 The Banquet Hall
Finale Full Company
“Once Upon A Mattress” is presented by the Actorsingers by arrangement with Music Theatre International, 119 West 57th Street, New York, NY.