click on program cover for team bios
Production and Technical Staff
Production Managers Robin MacDonald, Lori Jeffrey
Accompanist Jim Boucher
Stage Manager/Set Designer Kathy Raby
Technical Assistants Charles Leray, David Arendash, Donald Jeffrey
Stage Carpenters David Arendash, Charles Leray, Bob Gottlieb, Joel Dutton, Don Dempster, Rick Giguere, Donald Jeffrey, John McAllister, Warren Tomasian, Duff Browne, Walter Albers, Shirley Coutu, Ted Karam, and John Boggia of Lexington Ridge Builders, Inc.
Scenic Artists Janet Christie, Beth Chadbourne, Tom Scarpelli, Laurie Chadbourne, Wayne Tomacchio, Donna Raby
Lighting Design Richard F. Giguere
Stage Electricians David Adler, Don Dempster, Liz Winters, Matt Goldworm, Laurie Chadbourne, Paul Schellenberg, Ann Callahan, Donald Jeffrey, Peter Brady
“Bar-tenders” Brian Landrigan, Ray Tackett
Properties Sue Morin, Rick Caron, Rita Marchand
Costume Design & Wardrobe Margaret Tamulonis
Costume Committee Joyce Jennings, Raelene Liljeberg, Lorraine Graham, Linnea McAllister, Pauline Landrigan, Sue Morin, Carl Andruskevich, Shirley Coutu, Margaret Tamulonis
Make-up Suzanne Paling, Dianne LaFrance, Tim Finnegan, Carl Andruskevich, Ann Dahlinger
Hair Design Steve & Regina from Stephen Marx Hair Salons
Publicity Kathy Raby, Julia Breveleri, John T. Liljeberg, Sandra Bates, Wayne Tomacchio
Tickets Betty Badeau, Dan Pelletier, Margaret Tamulonis
Drive Chairperson Kathy Raby
Ticket Chairpersons Betty Badeau, Margaret Tamulonis
Photography Ray Tackett, Donald Jeffrey, Peter Brady
Program Linnea McAllister, Pauline Landrigan
Ads Dan Wallace
Membership Linnea McAllister
Mailing List Peter Brady
Hall Refreshments Dan Pelletier
House/Concessions Sally Trombley, Chairperson; Yvonne Freedman, Mary Wall, John and Raelene Liljeberg, Frank and Lorraine Graham
Auditioning Board Shirley Coutu, Chairperson; Tim Robinson, Bob Narkunas, Debra Gunning, Sally Trombley, Anne S. Harvey, Julie Lyman
Newsletter Brian Landrigan
Editor’s Note: Not Listed were
Director Timothy W. Robinson
Music Director Robert Narkunas
Choreographer Debra Gunning
Link to cast list