click on program cover for team bios
Production Staff
Production Manager Elaine Duhamel
Assistant Production Manager Kathy Raby
Director John T. Liljeberg
Musical Director Bob Edwards
Choreographer Alexandria Carraher-Tolle
Stage Manager Joseph Dowd
Assistant Stage Manager Catherine Andruskevich
Pianist Jed Holland
Set Designer George Bourbeau
Scenic Artist Connie Connor
Set Builders, Stage Crew, Painters and Movers Warren Tomasian, George Marineau, Kathy Vallier, Sid Basha, John McAllister, Sis Senn, Cecil Williams, Cathy Sullivan, Cherie Williams, Cristen Williams, Paul Cooper, Jacky Latham, Rita Case, Maurice Coutu, Paul Schellenberg, John Sullivan, Celissa Barsorian
Lighting Alan Viens assisted by Jim Greenberg, Joe Anderson, Ken Gorden
Sound Raymond Tackett assisted by Ronald Allen
Costume Team Grace Bolen, Jan Christie, Lois Dowd, Georgia Gancarz, Sandy Greenbaum, Rita King, Raelene Liljeberg, Carolyn Marineau, Jean Marchand, Ann Marchand, Robin MacDonald, Sue Morin, Joan MacSweeney, Ann Mitchell, Carole Nadeau, Jane Pfarner, Rachel Simoneau, Penny Tamulonis, the Cast and Parents of the Children
Special Effects Dave Vanier
Properties Lisa RokowskiJanine BolenChris BrunelleFran Brunelle
Placards Pauline Raby
Make Up Jackie Maynard and Pearl Ware, Co-Chairmen; Janice Rockwell, Carol Croatti, Lorraine Graham, Rosemary Bolen, Diane Siegars, Kathy Raby, Fran Brunelle, Deanne Fortnam, Georgia Gancarz, Jan Christie, Rita Case, Pam Gowett, Valerie Cox, Shirley Coutu, Maggie Schellenberg
Hair Design Ron Viens assisted by Ellen Johnston and Betty Badeau
Ticket Sales Chris Brunelle, Jan Christie, Sid Basha
Ticket Sales – Lobby Jewel Shanahan, Jeannine Galipeault, Terry Viens, Priscilla Valdez
Director’s Secretary Leigh Sweeney
Programs Linnea McAllister assisted by Elaine Duhamel and Carol Williams
Poster and Program Cover Joan Marchie-Rearick
Publicity Linda Saren
Publicity Photographer Joel Saren
Studio Photographer Richard Croteau
House Chairpersons Raelene Liljeberg and Carolyn Marineau
Ushers Mimi Crowley, Sandy Greenbaum, Carl Greenbaum, Deirdre Adams, Ann S. Harvey, Carol Williams, Cathy Sullivan, Jennie Seusing, Jane Pfarner, Margaret Mosiman
Afterglow Pat Allard, Sylvia Erickson and Several Friends
Refreshments at Hall Dan Pelletier
Membership Linnea McAllister
Patrons Elaine Duhamel and John Liljeberg
Audition Committee Maurice Coutu, Chairman; John Liljeberg, Bob Edwards, Alexandria Carraher-Tolle, Sally Trombley, Wendy Mahoney, Harold Sullivan
Link to cast list