Actorsingers Youth Production of
Dear Edwina JR.
Music by
Book & Lyrics by
source: MTI
Thirteen-year-old problem solver, Edwina, dishes out advice with the help of her friends and a little song and dance.
Dear Edwina Jr. is a heartwarming musical filled with wisdom and song. The story follows Edwina Spoonapple as she directs the neighborhood kids in a series of musical numbers that teach them various lessons like making new friends and trying new foods, all with the hopes of landing a spot in the Kalamazoo “Advice-a-Palooza” festival. This musical is a great way to teach kids life lessons in a fun-filled way and is a fun watch for the whole family.
Performances at Janice B. Streeter Theater
14 Court St, Nashua, NH
April 12-14, 2024
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Paw Paw, Michigan - Kids
Up On The Fridge - Edwina
Dear Edwina - Kids
Here Comes A Letter! - Kids
Aphrodite - Aphrodite
Say No Thank You - Susie and the Napkins, Johnny, Queen of Boolah Boolah
Another Letter! - Kids
Abigail - Abigail
Frankenguest - Vladimir, Frank, Frank’s Ma, Kids
Carrie - Carrie
Fork, Knife, Spoon - Edwina, Chef Ludmilla, Fairy Forkmother, William, Sonoma, Bobby
Time For Intermission - Kids
Here Come More Letters - Kids
Periwinkle - Periwinkle
Hola, Lola - Edwina, Harry, Lola, Kids
Ziggy Intro - Ziggy
Ziggy - Ziggy, Band
Put It In The Piggy - Mary Sue Betty Bob, Farmer Jerry, Kids, Pigs
Thanks For Coming (Part 1) - Kids
Edwina - Scott, Kids
Thanks For Coming (Part 2) - Kids
Up On The Fridge Breakdown - Edwina
Sing Your Own Song/Up On The Fridge (Reprise) - Edwina, Scott, Kelli, Becky, Kids
Hola, Lola Encore - Edwina, Kids
Dear Edwina Jr. is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI).
All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.
related show pages --> Dear-Edwina-2024 Archives - Actorsingers