click on program cover for team bios
Production and Technical Staff
Co-Producers Sue Koczarski, Valerie Levesque
Director John Liljeberg
Assistant Director Betty Thomson
Choreographer Bobby Fonacier
Musical Director Kathy Cooney Redman
Costumes Julie Johnston (chair), Penny Tamulonis, Raelene Liljeberg, Alene Bonner, Linda Lipe
Lighting John McAllister and Dennis Schneider
Stage Managers Kyle Lamerand and Lee Anne Ouellette
Set Designer Kathy Lovering
Properties Dave Miller (chair), Karen Lewis, Allison Morrison
Poster Design Barry Bonner
Publicity Wendy Murphy (chair), Bernadette Boardman, Kerry Schneider
Program/Ads Bernadette Boardman, Barry Bonner, Ted Rusomanis
Make-up Toni Camp
Hair Design Ellen Johnston, Rita Zaccone, Catherine Z. Andruskevich
Sound JAMIN Sound & Lighting (Ben Lembree)
Cast Photography Croteau Photography
Tickets Betty Badeau, Raelene Liljeberg
House Shirley Coutu
Lobby Display Annie Ducharme
Afterglow Annie Ducharme
Set Construction Kyle Lamerand, Warren Tomasian, Brian Schmitt, Beth Thomson, Joy Douville, Brian Mehlman, Jeremy Belle Feiulle, Lee Anne Ouellette
Set Crew Bob Lovering, Brian Schmitt, Brian Mehlman, Tracy Smith, Barb Asketh, Jeremy Belle Feiulle, Brian Schneider
Concessions Linda Olmstead assisted by Bill Koczarski & Shirley Coutu
Hall Refreshments Dan Pelletier
Auditioning Board Shelley LaTulippe, John Liljeberg, Betty Thomson, Bobby Fonacier, Kathy Cooney Redman, Moe Coutu,
Stan St. Onge
We also wish to thank those whose names were omitted or submitted too late to be included in the program.
Link to cast list