42nd Street
Music by Harry Warren
Lyrics by Al Dubin
Book by Michael Stewart & Mark Bramble
Based on the Novel by Bradford Ropes
Directed by Frances White
Musical Direction by Sebastian Salvo
Choreographed by Pat Ross
Produced by Shirley Coutu
Scenic Design by James Travers
Lighting Design by Dennis Schneider
source: Concord Theatricals
Performances at
Edmund M. Keefe Auditorium
May 3-5, 1991
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Synopsis of Scenes and Musical Numbers
Act One
Scene 1 42nd Street Theatre, New York City, 1933
Audition Andy Lee and Ensemble
Young And Healthy Billy Lawlor, Peggy Sawyer
Shadow Waltz Maggie Jones, Dorothy Brock and Girls
Shadow Waltz (reprise) Dorothy
Scene 2 Gypsy Tea Kettle
Go Into Your Dance Maggie, Peggy, Annie, Andy, Phyllis, Lorraine
Scene 3 On Stage
You’re Getting To Be A Habit With Me Dorothy, Billy, Peggy and Ensemble
Scene 4 Dorothy Brock’s Dressing Room
Scene 5 On Stage
Getting Out Of Town Maggie, Bert Barry, Pat Denning and Ensemble
Scene 6 Arch Street Theatre, Philadelphia
Dames Billy and Ensemble
Scene 7 Regency Club and Dorothy Brock’s Suite
I Know Now Dorothy and Ensemble
Scene 8 Opening Night, Arch Street Theatre
I Know Now (reprise) Billy and Girls
We’re In The Money Annie, Peggy, Phyllis, Lorraine, Billy and Ensemble
Act One Finale Dorothy, Peggy and Ensemble
Act Two
Scene 1 Outside Dorothy’s Dressing Room, Ten Minutes Later
Scene 2 Dressing Rooms at the Arch Street Theatre
There’s A Sunny Side To Every Situation Annie and Ensemble
Scene 3 Outside the Stage Door of the Arch Street Theatre
Scene 4 Broad Street Station, Philadelphia
Lullaby Of Broadway Julian and Full Company
Scene 5 42nd Street Theatre, New York City
Scene 6 Peggy’s Dressing Room
About A Quarter To Nine Dorothy and Peggy
Scene 7 Opening Night of “Pretty Lady” – 42nd Street Theatre, New York City
Shuffle Off To Buffalo Bert, Annie, Maggie and Ensemble
42nd Street Peggy and Ensemble
Scene 8 Backstage
42nd Street (reprise) Julian