Teen Actorsingers Production of
West Side Story
Performances at Janice B. Streeter Theater
14 Court St, Nashua, NH
October 2-5, 2003
From the Director...
Welcome to West Side Story. Most, if not all of you, have read or are familiar with the story/play this show was based upon -- Romeo and Juliet, by some guy named Will. A lot of you have watched the movie as well -- yeah, the one with Natalie Wood. And probably a few of you have seen previous productions of this show. This was the 1st professional American musical I have seen and since then, I have been mesmerized by the muse of musical theater. Years later, I was lucky to be a part of the show (as Chino) in Cambridge's Kresge Auditorium, when I was doing grad school at MIT. For both, the show was performed in a very large proscenium stage, which I have always thought of befitting the grandeur of this classic. With that in mind, it was indeed a challenge when we were given the opportunity to do West Side Story in this theater and make it a very memorable first production for the Teen Actorsingers of Nashua. But we knew we were up for this challenge, particularly with a cast of very talented and hardworking youngsters, which gave justice and passion to the dramatics, the music, and the dance/movement that this show demands. What made it even better was having a group of dedicated folks who worked days and nights to come up with the quality of sets, costumes, props, lights, sounds, etc. that surpasses average expectations of community theater productions. With this caliber of cast and crew in hand, we were confident that we would all meet our personal goals for this show -- and each and every one would give their personal best. This is a show where everyone involved dug into their hearts and soul to present to you, the audience, what we hope will be a performance you will remember for quite some time. It is a timeless story of kids confronted with the aspects of love an hatred as they group up in an already very complicated world -- immortalized in pen centuries ago by Shakespeare, adapted to the musical stage decades ago by Bernstein, Sondheim, and Laurents, and performed today by the Teen Actorsingers in their rite-of-passage play.
Bobby Fonacier
Director, West Side Story
On-Line program is here! Please support our sponsors !
Special Thanks To
Taggart Ice
Preston Productions
J.C. Penney
Cardin Jewelry
Highland Tool Co.
Edgecomb Steel
Chery & Wil Bernstein
Sharon & Mike O'Brien
Synopsis of Scenes
Act I
Scene 1 - Street
Prologue - Riff, Jet Boys, Bernardo & Shark Boys, Shrank & Krupke
Scene 2 - Doc's Sign
Something's Coming - Tony & Riff
Scene 3 - Bridal Shop
Maria, Anita, Bernardo, Chino
Scene 4 - Gym
Maria Tony
Scene 5 - Alleyway
Tonight - Tony & Maria; Maria's Papa & Mama
America - Bernardo & Anita; Shark Boys & Girls
Scene 6 - Doc's
Gee Riff & Jet Boys, Jet Girls, Krupke
Scene 7 - Bridal Shop
One Hand, One Heart - Tony & Maria
Scene 8 - Street
Tonight - Tony, Maria & Anita, Riff & Jet Boys, Bernardo & Shark Boys
Scene 9 - Street
Rumble - Riff & Jet Boys, Bernardo & Shark Boys, Tony
Act II
Scene 1 - Bedroom
I Feel Pretty - Maria & Shark Girls
He Killed Your Brother - Maria, Chino & Tony
Somewhere Ballet
Scene 2 - Street
Cool - Jet Boys & Girls
Scene 3 - Bedroom
A Boy Like That - Maria, Anita, Tony & Schrank
Scene 4 - Doc's
Jet Boys & Girls, Anita, Doc
Scene 5 - Doc's
Tony and Doc
Scene 6 - Street
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