click on program cover for team bios
Production Team
for Actorsingers
Director - Anne S. Manousos
Pianist - David Gidge
Choreographer - Judy Kolonek
Holiday Show Production Staff
General Chairman - Harry Strickland
Stage: Extension & Risers: Design & Construction - Warren Tomasian assisted by Don Smith, Bob Lessard, Harry Strickland
Staging & Lighting - Harry Strickland assisted by Warren Tomasian, Don Smith, Daniel Pelletier, Bob Lessard, Augie Stratoti, Bob Cotterman, Glen Gott
Sound - Bob Cotterman
Program and Ticket - Joe Sakey, Chairman, assisted by Ann Mitchell, Carl Cudhea, George Borski, John Liljeberg, Sally Morgan, Al Stymeist, Ray Gauthier, Ann Moody, Meri Goyette, Elsa Brown, Harry Strickland, Barbara Bartsch
Publicity - Thelma Fancy, Bea Caldwell, co-chairmen, assisted by Irene Archambault, Connie Harvey, Ed Chacos, Dick Doyle, Frances Peterson
Lobby - Mrs. Robert Ainscow, Chairman, assisted by Dorothy Goodwin, Linnea Strickland, Marcelle Houle, Ronald Menard
Cast Reception - Mrs. William Fancy, Mrs. Dexter Cadwell, Jafar Shoja, co-chairmen, assisted by Mrs. Grant Goeble, Mrs. Crawford Fortesque, Mrs. Joseph Sakey, Mrs. Robert Bicknell, Mrs. William Zechel, Mrs. John Carter
The Actorsingers Executive Board
President Margaret E. Tamulonis
Vice President Thomas Gill
Treasurer Harold Annis
Recording Secretary Monique Caron
Corresponding Secretary Marcelle Houle
Directors Robert Cotterman, Robert Frey, Kay Goranson, Anne S. Manousos, Al Miller, Harry Strickland
Chairman Mrs. William R. Swart
Vice-Chairman Joseph G. Sakey
Vice-Chairman John A. Carter
Treasurer Archie M. Slawsby
Legal Advisor Robert B. Hamblett
Secretary Mrs. William Fancy
Executive Director Jafar Shoja
Stanley D. Anderson
Leo A. Bergeron
Mrs. Maurice E. Chagnon
Morton Goulder
Mrs. Charles H. Goyette
Kenneth E. Mayo
William W. Zechel
Link to cast list