(In Order of Appearance)
Frodo Baggins - Reuben Ackerman
Bilbo Baggins - Randy Harrison
Gandalf the Great - Jennifer Braffit
Thorin Oakenshield - Robert Burns
Balin - Erin Ackerman
Dwalin - Whitney Smith
Oin - Derek Levesque
Gloin - Cindy Hunter
Kili - Jill Siegel
Fili - Elizabeth Pilat
Dori - Becki Clay
Ori - Corrie Abraham
Bifur - Jessica McCoy
Bofur - Glenn Levesque
William the Troll - Reuben Ackerman
Tom the Troll - Keith Levesque
Bert the Troll - Ross Mihalko
The Great Goblin - Steven Strout*
Goblin Patrol Leader - Matthew Pilat*
Goblin Slaves - Laura Gellman*, Michelle Gellman*
Goblin Councellors - Stephanie Danner*, Elizabeth Charest*
Gollum - Keith Levesque
Elven King - Jeffrey Gefen
Galion - Elizabeth Charest*
Turnkey - Stephanie Danner*
Smaug - Ross Mihalko
Auctioneer - Kathan Doherty*
Mrs. Sackville - Baggins Michelle Gellman*
Mother Hobbit - Laura Gellman*
* Appearing in Chorus also
Jared Holland — piano
Kevin Reed — drums
Link to production team