Pinocchio - Lizzie Burrows
Gepetto - Mike O'Keefe
Cricky - Andrea Wilson
Blue Fairy - Allison Duhamel
Puppetmaster - Matt Greenglass
Push - Katie Ierardi
Shove - Meghan McCafferty
Fluff - Brianne Lemoine
Muff - Molly Bruckman
Madam Cat - Marianne Bradley
Mr. Fox - Darius Harper
Rudy - Abby Hall (In Loving Memory)
Randy - Rebecca Redman
Ricky - Kristen Koczarski
Sharpe - Michael Ierardi
Sidekicks to the Puppetmaster - Ken Clougher & Heather Antosca
Rebecca Abbott, Heather Anderson, Holly Anderson, Kerri Antosca, Catherine Balboni, Carolyn Barker, Nancy Bruckman, Victoria Clougher, Amanda Corbett, Christopher Corbett, Lauren Duffy, Casey Elsass, Laurie Guilmartin, Robert Kennedy, Christina Law, Stephanie LeCours, Kiersten Lemoine, Ben Levine, Elizabeth Peterman, Kathleen Erin Peterman, Michael Peterman, Emilee Powell, Lanéa Ritrovato, Katie Tocci, Katherine West, Sarah Wilson
Link to production team