click on program cover for team bios
Production and Technical Staff
Producers Martha Daniels Holland, Tricia Baker
Dramatics Director Kathy Lovering
Music Director Jed Holland
Choreographer Betty Thomson
Cast Coordinators John Liljeberg, Val Levesque
Stage Managers Bob Lovering, Sue Bechard
Set Designers Kevin Olson, Andy Woodfin
Set Construction Bob Lovering, Kevin Pelchat, Dennis Schneider, Danny Pelchat, Craig Brennan, Dave Gidge, Adam Mermer
Set Painting Annie Ducharme*, Tara Prairie*, Dave Kim*, Jon Fisher, Cindy Fisher, Katrina Fisher, Brian Schmitt, Traci Bisaillon, Dave Gidge, Madeline Lovering, Emily Lovering, Matthew Frasca, Mary Beth Lyon, Michelle Guerette, Mike Blondin, Josh Friedman, Bob Frasca, Chuck Emmons, Rob Albright, Ryan Albright, Kellie Fisher-Cardin, Jaye Gowans, Tricia Baker, Brian Mehlman
Stage Crew Kevin Olson, Tara Prairie, Adam Mermer, Craig Brennan, Tajoura Davis, Dave Gidge, Catherine Andruskevich, Brian Schmitt, Barry Bonner
Props Steve Pierpont*, Tajoura Davis, Eileen LoVerme, Chuck Emmons
Sound JSL Productions
Lighting Dennis Schneider*, John McAllister
Hair Jerry Caruso, Wendy Kneeland, April Bohaker, Rob LeRoy
Make-up Jerry Caruso*, Sheila Arlen, Rachel Salzman, Kristen DiGrigorio
Costumes Alene Bonner*, Raelene Liljeberg, Karin Harvey, Penny Tamulonis, Cindy Fisher, Ellie Morrill, Barbara Webb
Publicity Tricia Baker*, Melissa Groff, Nina Jones, Kerry Schneider, Barry Bonner, Michelle Bossie
Tickets Betty Badeau, John Liljeberg
House Catherine Poulin*
Concessions Sue Koczarski*
Afterglow Steve Brunelle*, Sandy Brunelle, CZA, Brian Mehlman
Lobby Display & Cast Photos Anne Townsend
Program Design and Layout Barry Bonner
Program Ads and Copy Bernadette Boardman
Rehearsal Refreshments Dan Pelletier
The Producers also wish to thank all the contributors to this production whose names were omitted or submitted too late to be included in this program.
Link to cast list