Guys & Dolls
source: MTI
Performances at
Elm Street Junior High School
May 18-20, 1984
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Nashua Mall and Plaza
Group 5 Communications
Nashua Federal Savings and Loan
Indian Head Bank
City of Nashua Fire Dept.
Jennison Insurance Agency
WMUR-Channel 9 - Tom Bonner
WNDS-Channel 50 - Gail Gunn
William Thoms - Greenbriar Terrace
Manchester Salvation Army
St. Joseph’s Hospital
For their assistance in providing props, thanks to:
Sue Millitello, Mary Veilleux, Theresa Ciulla, Sue Amlaw, Robert & Gail McKenna, Mimi Proko
Synopsis of Scenes and Musical Numbers
Act I
Scene 1 Broadway
Opening Ensemble
Fugue for Tinhorns Nicely-Nicely, Benny, Rusty Charlie
Follow the Fold Sarah, Arvide and the Mission Band
The Oldest Established Nathan, Nicely-Nicely, Benny, Ensemble
Scene 2 Interior of the Save-A-Soul Mission
I’ll Know Sarah and Sky
Scene 3 A Phone Booth
Scene 4 The Hot Box
A Bushel and a Peck Adelaide and Hot Box Girls
Scene 5 Adelaide’s Dressing Room
Adelaide’s Lament Adelaide
Scene 6 Off Broadway
Guys and Dolls Nicely-Nicely and Benny
Scene 7 Interior of the Mission noon, the next day
Scene 8 Off Broadway
Scene 9 Havana, Cuba
Havana Specialty Dancers and Ensemble
Scene 10 Outside El Cafe Cubano immediately following
If I Were a Bell Sarah
Scene 11 Exterior of the Mission
My Time of Day Sky
I’ve Never Been in Love Before Sky and Sarah
Act II
Scene 1 The Hot Box
Take Back Your Mink Adelaide and Hot Box Girls
Adelaide’s Lament (reprise) Adelaide
Scene 2 The West Forties
More I Cannot Wish You Arvide
Scene 3 The Crap Game
The Crap Game Dance Ensemble
Luck Be a Lady Sky and Crapshooters
Scene 4 Off Broadway
Sue Me Nathan and Adelaide
Scene 5 Interior of the Mission
Sit Down, You’re Rockin’ the Boat Nicely-Nicely and Ensemble
Follow the Fold (reprise) Ensemble
Scene 6 Near Times Square
Marry the Man Today Adelaide and Sarah
Scene 7 Broadway
Guys and Dolls (reprise) Entire Company