click on program cover for cast bios
The Cast
Amanda Arnoff
Emma Benson
Noelle Bourquard
Molly Bruckman
Chantel Choiniere
Braley Degenhardt
Danielle Demanche
Taylor Deschenes
Catherine Franzese
Jordan Friedman
Molly Glynn
Melanie Grosvenor
Grant Hodgkins
Christina Kelly
Gabriel Keyl
Kat Mail
Miranda Mail
Nicholas Masson
Thomas Mitsock
Elizabeth Noyes
Tom Quinlan
Jennifer Ryder
Rachel Scaer
Christian Seasholtz
Laura Spence
Samantha Theriault
Paige Vallie
Alyssa Vautier
Connor Vigeant
Ariel Weithman
Link to production team