click on program cover for cast bios
Tevye, the Dairyman - Brett Mallard
Golde, his Wife - Joy Douville
Their Daughters
Tzeitel - Elizabeth Perrin
Hodel - Kathleen S. Meehan
Chava - Elizabeth DeJulio
Shprintze - Kylie Witt
Bielke - Lauren Friedman
Yente, the Matchmaker - Bernadette K. Boardman
Motel, the Tailor - Jeff Goumas
Perchik, the Student - Matthew Gregg
Lazar Wolf, the Butcher - Dan Murphy
Mordcha, the Innkeeper - Joshua Friedman
Rabbi - Edward J. Wall
Mendel, his son - Tom Partridge
Moisha, the Baker - Albert J. Sandler
Avrahm, the Bookseller - Greg Tarsa
Grandma Tzeitel, Golde’s Grandmother - Rosalind Sandler
Fruma-Sarah, Lazar Wolfe’s first wife - Pamela Bruckman
Constable - Dan Pelletier
Fyedka - Denis Brunelle
Shandel, Motel’s Mother - Sharon Mazurek
Chavala - Caitlin Schaub
The Fiddler - Matthew Demeusy
The Papas
Tom Anastasi,
Scott Hall,
Andrew Morrison,
Rich Rothbell,
Earl Witt
The Mamas
Barb Asketh,
Christine Crowe,
Michelle Emmond,
Cindy Fisher,
Dale Hines,
Kari Levesque,
Anne Tremblay
The Sons
Eric Bagby,
Kevin Clutz,
Chris Collupy,
Adrian Creteau,
Adam Hayward,
Carl Morrison,
Ryan Murphy,
Alan Witt
The Daughters
Krystal Lee Muccioli,
Becca Tarsa,
Lauryl Trenholme-Pihl,
Alanna Vancor,
Erin Yunes,
Anna Zeira
Flute/Piccolo - Diane Fallier
Clarinet - Suellen Davidson
Clarinet/Bass Clarinet - Sandy Birr
Violins - Matthew Demeusy, Tom Benson
Cello - Andrew Demeusy
Bass - Erik Thomas
Trumpets - Craig Neth, Deb Walz
Trombone - Michael Steadman
Percussion - Steve Tamulonis
Piano/Conductor/Music Director - Judy Hayward
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