click on program cover for team bios
Production and Technical Staff
Production Managers George Bourbeau, Lisa Duhamel
Stage Manager Lawrence A. Emmons, asst. by Kathy Raby
Set Designer Laurie Chadbourne Nowicki
Stage Carpenters Kevin Pelchat, Crew Forman; Bob Lovering, John Doherty, Paul Soucy, Ray Tackett, Peter Brady
Set Painters Stephanie Morin, Mary Goodwin, Moe Coutu
Properties Sue Morin, asst. by Stephanie Morin, Rick Caron, Dan Pelletier, Laurie Chadbourne Nowicki
Lighting Design Glen Seaman
Stage Electricians David English, Paul Tedder, John McAllister
Sound Immedia Sound, Worcester
Costume Design Penny Tamulonis
Wardrobe Committee Betty Badeau, Allison Blanchard, Shirley Coutu, Doris Roux, Lori Jeffrey
Make-Up and Hair Stephen Keskinen of Stephen Marx Hair Salon; Regina Neapolitano, Vanessa Diantgikis, Jackie Dulgarian
Programs Donna O’Bryant, Kathy Raby, Peter Brady
Program Ads Pauline Landrigan, Karen Lewis
Publicity David Olmstead, asst. by John T. Liljeberg, Barbara Gondek, Pauline and Brian Landrigan, Gene Bombara
Photography Pete Brady
Tickets Betty Badeau, John Liljeberg,Christine Brunelle
House Diane Manheck, asst. by parents and friends of cast members
Audience Services Elaine Duhamel
Patrons Drive Penny Tamulonis, Betty Badeau, Kathy Raby, Dick Lehrer
Membership Linnea McAllister
Mailing List Peter Brady
Hall Refreshments Dan Pelletier
Afterglow George Bourbeau, Lisa Duhamel
Audition Board George Bourbeau, chairman; Carolyn Schroeder, Bob Narkunas, Doreen Cafarella, Jane Cabe, Timothy Robinson, Ronnie LePetri
Link to cast list